

5 reasons to send me an email:

1) You want to know why I chose to use hands on my homepage.

2) You’re curious about why people scream at me when I eat pizza.

3) You wanna talk about how much dook sucks (GO HEELS)!

4) You found a killer motion graphics tutorial and wanna sent it my way.

5) You want to give me a recommendation for my 2025 TBR list.


Current gig: Looking!
Location: Plano, TX (soon to be Charlotte, NC)

veronica.a.burkhart@gmail.com | 980.322.3215 | LinkedIn


Atlanta Addys

Bronze (Color Changes Things, Papermate)

Young Shits

The Shit that won (Fake News Fake Out)

Ads of the World Features

Print (Color Changes Things)

Center Ring Student Show

Gold (Dirty Dancing Rotoscope)
Silver (Snack Typography)
Bronze (Joe’s Secret, You Season 3)
Merit (Before the Opinion Hits, AP News)
Merit (Grow Your Own Doritos, Doritos)
Merit (Color Changes Things, Papermate)